Monday, August 19, 2013

Looks that Could Kill

                                                                                  Looks that Could Kill
Anna Friel��s naked role in a West End play made one member of the audience collapse. The actress dropped her layers while starring as Holly Golightly in the stage version of classic, Breakfast At Tiffany��s.
The Pushing Daisies star told UK TV host Paul O��Grady that one man keeled over in the aisle and had to be carried out on a stretcher when she stripped off.
��During that naked scene, about four days ago, we had a man who collapsed in the audience �� but it was during the naked scene and I didn��t know if I had done something very wrong or it just happened that he collapsed at that point,�� the Daily Express quoted her as saying.
��I remember him being carried out on a stretcher which was a bit distracting,�� she added.

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